美国人在犯罪上是精神错乱的 通过拉里·罗曼诺夫,2022年8月18日 译者:珍珠 CHINESE ENGLISH RUSSIAN
Tag: Medicine
EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — Americans are Criminally Insane — August 18, 2022
Americans are Criminally Insane By Larry Romanoff, August 18, 2022 CHINESE ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH RUSSIAN I have in the past been accused of being ‘anti-American’ and, while that was…
PL — LARRY ROMANOFF: Zmiana miejsca
09/08/2023 Zmiana miejsca — Larry Romanoff Trinity Autor, Larry Romanoff, 5 maja 2020 CATALÁN ENGLISH ITALIANO NEDERLANDS POLSKI PORTUGUÊS SPANISH RUSSIAN Napisałem 19 marca 2020…
DE — LARRY ROMANOFF– Eine warnende Geschichte über die WHO — May 10, 2020
A Cautionary Tale About the WHO Eine warnende Geschichte über die WHO 05/10/2020 by Nilzeitung Von Larry Romanoff | Mond von Shanghai | 10. Mai 2020 Eine warnende Geschichte über die WHO. Es scheint keinen…
CH — 拉里·罗曼诺夫 — 关于新冠病毒未解释的事情 波浪,涟漪和波涛 — 2020年12月14日
关于新冠病毒未解释的事情 波浪,涟漪和波涛 拉里·罗曼诺夫,2020年12月14日 ENGLISH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO RUSSIAN
“L’INSPIEGABILE COVID-19” HA BISOGNO DI UN’INDAGINE PENALE ENGLISH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO RUSSIAN 21 DICEMBRE 2020 Maria Heibel https://www.nogeoingegneria.com/uncategorized/linspiegabile-covid-19-ha-bisogno-di-unindagine-penale/ Larry Romanoff unz.com Onde, increspature e picchi Esaminiamo il normale schema epidemico di una…
SP — LARRY ROMANOFF — MERS — November 18, 2020
MERS Por Larry Romanoff –18 de noviembre de 2020 A finales de 2012, el mundo experimentó el inicio de una nueva mini-pandemia provocada por un novedoso…
The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic — December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020 The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic By Larry Romanoff Doctors wore masks to prevent the flu at the US Army hospital. 19 November 1918. Army…
SP — LARRY ROMANOFF — COVID-19 Des-Explicado — Olas, ondas y marejadas — December 14, 2020 (COMPLETO)
COVID-19 Des-Explicado LARRY ROMANOFF • 14 DICIEMBRE 2020 Fuente:https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/1251/ ENGLISH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO RUSSIAN Olas, ondas y marejadas Examinemos el patrón normal de un brote de…
COVID-19 Un-Explained — Waves, Ripples and Surges — December 14, 2020
COVID-19 Un-Explained Waves, Ripples and Surges By Larry Romanoff, December 14, 2020 ENGLISH ESPAÑOL ITALIANO RUSSIAN Let’s examine the normal pattern for an outbreak of a typical infectious disease. According…
EBOLA — November 24, 2020
Ebola By Larry Romanoff, November 24, 2020 Dominique Faget/AFP/Getty Images Health care workers wearing full body suits burn infected items at the ELWA Hospital in Monrovia on Aug. 30, 2014.…
El nuevo coronavirus de China: un examen de los hechos
El nuevo coronavirus de China: un examen de los hechos Larry Romanoff Fuente: L’HORA ENGLISH ESPAÑOL PORTUGUÊS Los medios de comunicación occidentales han informado sobre el nuevo coronavirus que…
SP — El Coronavirus de China: Se lanza una emergencia sanitaria mundial. ¿Cuáles son los hechos? January 31, 2020
El Coronavirus de China: Se lanza una emergencia sanitaria mundial. ¿Cuáles son los hechos? Por Larry Romanoff, 31 de Enero, 2020 ENGLISH, ESPAÑOL, ITALIANO, PORTUGUÊS Si bien este coronavirus es…
Why Is the US Apparently Not Testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus? — March 06, 2020
Why Is the US Apparently Not Testing for the COVID-19 Coronavirus? “Testing for coronavirus is not available yet in New York City.” By Larry Romanoff, March 06, 2020 All…
China’s Coronavirus – A Global Health Emergency is Launched. What are the Facts — January 31, 2020
China’s Coronavirus – A Global Health Emergency is Launched. What are the Facts By Larry Romanoff , January 31, 2020 ENGLISH, ESPAÑOL, ITALIANO, PORTUGUÊS While this coronavirus is indeed serious and is causing deaths,…