PT —  LARRY ROMANOFF — A Lei Americana de 1934 sobre a Compra da Prata  — July 06, 2021

  A Lei Americana de 1934 sobre a Compra da Prata Por LARRY ROMANOFF –14 de Setembro de 2020  Tradução em exclusivo para PRAVDA PT CHINESE   ENGLISH   NEDERLANDS   PORTUGUESE   SPANISH   Steve Hanke,…

The Psychopathic Criminal Enterprise Called America — November 05, 2020

The Psychopathic Criminal Enterprise Called America By Larry Romanoff – November 05, 2020  I provided in earlier articles some evidence of the fundamental criminality of American corporations, with only a brief introduction…

CH — 拉里·罗曼诺夫 — 关于新冠病毒未解释的事情 波浪,涟漪和波涛 — 2020年12月14日

  关于新冠病毒未解释的事情 波浪,涟漪和波涛 拉里·罗曼诺夫,2020年12月14日 ENGLISH   ESPAÑOL   ITALIANO    RUSSIAN


    “L’INSPIEGABILE COVID-19” HA BISOGNO DI UN’INDAGINE PENALE ENGLISH  ESPAÑOL  ITALIANO  RUSSIAN 21 DICEMBRE 2020 Maria Heibel Larry Romanoff Onde, increspature e picchi Esaminiamo il normale schema epidemico di una…

PT — LARRY ROMANOFF — O Exército Privado dos Banqueiros — November 08, 2020

     O Exército Privado dos Banqueiros Por LARRY ROMANOFF, November 08, 2020   ENGLISH  ESPAÑOL  PORTUGUÊS Durante a História recente, poucas guerras foram geradas devido a ambições políticas ou territoriais. Na…

SP — LARRY ROMANOFF — La Psicópata Empresa Criminal llamada América — November 5, 2020

La Psicópata Empresa Criminal llamada América Por Larry Romanoff – 5 de Noviembre, 2020 ENGLISH  ESPAÑOL   En artículos anteriores proporcioné algunas pruebas de la criminalidad fundamental de las corporaciones americanas, con…

Humanity at the Crossroads

Humanity at the Crossroads Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World    By  Larry Romanoff, December 15, 2019 ENGLISH  ESPAÑOL  PORTUGUÊS Humankind is at a cusp, a point of transition between two…

Apologists of Global Capitalism: Multi-National Corporations Are Functioning as “Amoeba” in Pursuit of Profit

Apologists of Global Capitalism: Multi-National Corporations Are Functioning as “Amoeba” in Pursuit of Profit The apologists lecture us that morality therefore isn’t a part of business By Larry Romanoff Global Research,…

What is the Difference between Capitalism and Socialism? — October 18, 2019

What is the Difference between Capitalism and Socialism? By Larry Romanoff Global Research, October 18, 2019 Region: Asia, USA Theme: History Some aspects of the American style of competition become more clear when placed…