Guvernul SUA declara razboi Americii Partea a II-a – Arme Biologice De Larry Romanoff, April 03, 2023 Traducerea: CD Un semn de avertizare care autorizează utilizarea forței mortale atârnă pe un…
EN — LARRY ROMANOFF: The US Government Declares War on America — Part 2 — Biological Warfare
April 03, 2023 The US Government Declares War on America Part 2 – Biological Warfare By Larry Romanoff A warning sign authorizing the use of deadly force hangs…
EN — LARRY ROMANOFF — The US Government Declares War on America — April 16, 2020
The US Government Declares War on America Biological, Chemical, and Radiation “Experiments” on Americans Children at Fernald State School were fed Radioactive Cereal ENGLISH ESPAÑOL PORTUGUÊS This article is Part 1…