CN — LARRY ROMANOFF: 第1章-引言和注意事项

August 18, 2023

 August 18, 2023




第 1 章 – 导言和注意事项

第 2 章 – 背景

第 3 章 – 美国的生物武器地位

第 4 章–转基因种子(更新)




第 8 章–美国疾病控制中心(CDC)


The World of Biological Warfare


Chapter 1 – Introduction and Caution


作者:Larry Romanoff



Unit 731 Experiments on children.Location: Pingfang district of Harbin (now Northeast China). Date: 1937–1945






We tend to think of biological and/or chemical warfare in simple terms within a simple framework, which tendency leads us to misunderstand much of what happens around us and to mis-categorise many world events. Usually, when contemplating this subject, we imagine the use of these agents in times of war (hot or cold), perhaps picturing armies using mustard gas or the US spraying Agent Orange over most of Vietnam. Or perhaps we picture the US inflicting biological pathogens in North Korea (as it did), or dispersing swine flu in Cuba and China (as it also did). In any case, we normally imagine these events to involve one nation acting against another.



But biological warfare acts in many guises and has many objectives. It also has many categories of perpetrators as well as classifications of intended victims. Biological warfare has long since passed from the military world into the civilian one, a fact that will require experience and contemplation to fully appreciate. The main actor may be a state government, but it can also be an institution, a corporation, or a UN agency. It could also be a conspiratorial group of individuals with a political agenda, and it is not always easy to identify the ultimate sources, nor for whom they are ultimately acting.




If you have read Volume One of my E-book on ‘America’s Dirtiest Secrets’, you will have learned that the US government and military conducted biological and chemical “experiments” on the American population, experiments so vast they covered many decades, affected tens or even hundreds of millions of victims, and on occasion were so comprehensive they covered the entire continental United States and parts of Canada. The intention was not to kill the population of an enemy nation, but to learn the potential of biological pathogens and the best means of distribution. In these cases of thousands of experiments spanning many decades, the intended victims were the government’s own people, but this still counts as biological warfare.[1] [2] Similarly, when the US military subjected its soldiers to various pathogens and vaccines, these were biological experiments designed to learn how to best infect and disable an enemy’s military. Even though the intention was not to kill one’s own servicemen, this still counts as biological warfare.[3]

 如果你读过我关于“美国最肮脏的秘密的电子书第一卷,你就会知道美国政府和军队对美国人口进行了生物和化学“实验”,实验规模如此之大,覆盖了几十年,影响了数千万甚至数亿受害者,有时非常全面,覆盖了整个美国大陆和加拿大部分地区。其目的不是杀死敌对国家的人口,而是了解生物病原体的潜力和最佳传播方式。在这些跨越几十年的数千次实验中,预定的受害者是政府自己的人民,但这仍然被视为生物战。[1 [2同样,当美军让士兵接触各种病原体和疫苗时,这些都是生物实验旨在学习如何最好地感染敌人的军队并使其致残。尽管其目的不是杀死自己的军人,但这仍然被视为生物战。[3]


More than six million pigs, cattle and sheep were slaughtered across 10,000 UK farms in the 2001 outbreak.Photograph: Murdo Macleod/the Guardian

在2001年的疫情中,英国10000个农场屠宰了600多万头猪、牛和羊。照片:Murdo Macleod/《卫报》



Turning to another direction, when a group of financiers and industrialists conspire to kill off the domestic animal herds or flocks so that Big Agra can eliminate small farmers and take control of a nation’s food supply, as they almost certainly did in the UK,[4]  this also classifies as biological warfare even though the targets in this case are animals.



Vaccinations are another example. As you may already know, the UN’s WHO concocted a “sterility vaccine” utilising the human female hormone Hcg combined with tetanus toxoid as a carrier and, in Third-World countries, sterilised about 150 million women without their knowledge, under the guise of conducting tetanus vaccinations. [5] Also, there are quite a few instances where it appears almost certain that a major pharmaceutical company arranged for a disease outbreak in a poor country – with the kind assistance of the WHO’s ubiquitous vaccination programs – to save the cost of live trials of a new experimental medication.[6] These are also classified as biological warfare, in this case by a UN agency and a big pharma company against the poor people of the world.

疫苗接种是另一个例子。正如你可能已经知道的那样,联合国世界卫生组织利用人类雌性激素Hcg与破伤风类毒素联合作为载体,研制了一种无菌疫苗,并在第三世界国家以接种破伤风疫苗为幌子,在约1.5亿妇女不知情的情况下为她们绝育。[5] 此外,在相当多的情况下,几乎可以肯定的是,一家大型制药公司在世界卫生组织无处不在的疫苗接种计划的帮助下,安排在贫困国家爆发疾病,以节省新实验药物的现场试验费用。[6] 这些也被归类为生物战,在这种情况下,是由一个联合国机构和一家大型制药公司针对世界穷人进行的。


Estimating risks of importation and local transmission of Zika virus infection.



There are other categories too. Sometimes pathogens can be released which are harmless in themselves but can be used to create fear which can then be applied to remake a nation’s social policies. As one example, it is obvious to intelligent observers that the ZIKA virus was deliberately dispersed to create sufficient fear among the involved populations to force national governments to relax their policies on abortion.[7] One circumstantial proof is that ZIKA emerged only in Central and South America, areas which are heavily Christian and which had the most restrictive abortion policies. ZIKA had a choice of appearing anywhere in the world, and could certainly have chosen a victim closer to home, instead of traveling 15,000 Kms, from Micronesia to Brazil. The evidence in this case points quite strongly to the perpetrators being the Khazar Jews in The City of London, with unusual ideas about the future of our world, and with the financial and political power to carry through their ambitions.

 还有其他类别。有时病原体可以被释放出来,这些病原体本身是无害的,但可以用来制造恐惧,然后可以用来重塑一个国家的社会政策。例如,聪明的观察者很明显,ZIKA病毒是故意传播的,目的是在相关人群中制造足够的恐惧,迫使各国政府放松堕胎政策。[7] 一个间接的证据是ZIKA只出现在中美洲和南美洲这些地区信奉基督教堕胎政策最严格。ZIKA可以选择出现在世界任何地方,当然也可以选择离家更近的受害者,而不是从密克罗尼西亚到巴西旅行15000公里。本案的证据非常有力地表明,肇事者是伦敦金融城的哈扎尔犹太人,他们对我们世界的未来有着不同寻常的想法,并拥有实现其野心的财政和政治权力。


There is yet another aspect to this: GM seed.[8] It is by now well-known that various companies and governments have succeeded in splicing a large number of different pathogens into GM seed. This can be benign, when one firm attempted to create plants that could produce aspirin. It can also be malignant, as when another firm produced spermicidal corn that would render men sterile. In fact, it has been proven that a great many deadly pathogens can be spliced into GM seed, with consequences I will leave to your imagination. But GM seed itself can be rendered infertile, sentencing an unwitting nation to a devastating drop in food production and resulting genocide by famine. In all its forms, GM seed qualifies as biological warfare, at least potentially.

 这还有另一个方面:转基因种子[8] 众所周知,许多公司和政府已经成功地将大量不同的病原体拼接到转基因种子中。当一家公司试图创造可以生产阿司匹林的植物时,这可能是良性的它也可能是恶性的,比如另一家公司生产的杀精玉米会使男性不育。事实上,已经证明,许多致命的病原体可以被拼接到转基因种子中,其后果我将留给你们想象。但转基因种子本身可能会导致不育,使一个不知情的国家面临粮食产量的毁灭性下降,并导致饥荒造成的种族灭绝。在所有形式上,转基因种子都符合生物战的资格,至少有可能。


Similarly, seed and bio-chemical companies were in the recent past suddenly promoting the use of cotton seeds as a primary foodstuff for underdeveloped countries. Cotton seeds are toxic, containing a chemical called gossypol which is an effective male sterilant. The seed companies claimed to have removed this toxin to a safe level, but there is no safe level for gossypol. Even very minute doses taken repeatedly (as when used for a basic food) will render an entire male population sterile. This also qualifies as biological warfare, in this case by Western governments and UN agencies against the population of the entire Third World.



One conviction you should carry in your heart is that there are no “accidents” in major domestic events and in foreign affairs, that when something major occurs, other than volcanoes and tornadoes, you can be certain that event was planned. We may not always know who planned it, but we can be assured it was not fortuitous or what we might call “An act of God”. I can think of only one exception to this rule in the past 100 or more years, which I will discuss later.



Again, if you have read Volume One of the above-mentioned E-book series, you will have seen that the US government – and all the mass media – lied to the people for more than 70 years, exemplified by Eisenhower subjecting families to massive doses of nuclear radiation and instructing the media to tell women suffering miscarriages, hair loss and cancers, that they were suffering from “housewife syndrome”.



Defending the Anglosphere: former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower and British PM Harold Macmillan at a reunion with former generals in London in 1959.



If one Western government will inflict such atrocities on their own population and offer rigorous denials and outrageous lies for decades, why would you imagine other Western governments to be different? Why would you imagine multi-national corporations or UN agencies to be different? They all source their staff from the same cesspool. Are we to believe that the member countries of the UN always lie, but the UN always tells the truth? That situation could not exist: the UN is made up of representatives from these same nations, and is in no sense independent of them.



At this early December 2010 summit in Kazakhstan, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (center left) expressed her regrets to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (far left) for the leaked disclosures regarding US diplomats spying on the UN.



As you read through the examples discussed in this series, keep these cautions in mind and it should become increasingly clear that many past biological events we dismissed as accidents were in fact carefully planned and with a very definite purpose. And as you review in your mind the “official narrative” from governments and the media on these events, it should become increasingly clear to you that the official stories cannot possibly be true, any more than can the US State Department’s denials of Hillary Clinton’s UN spying.[9]




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


His full archive can be seen at

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[1] The US Government Declares War on America    [1] 美国政府向美国宣战

[2] The US Government Declares War on America — Part 2 — Biological Warfare    [2] 美国政府向美国宣战——下——生物战

[3] The US Declares War on its own Military    [3] 美国向本国军队宣战

[4] UK Foot and Mouth Disease    [4] 英国口蹄疫

[5] A Cautionary Tale About the WHO    [5] 关于世界卫生组织的警示故事

[6] Pfizer’s Perfectly-Timed Epidemic    [6] 辉瑞的完美定时流行病

[7] ZIKA    [7] 寨卡

[8] Genetically Modified Seeds: Conceived as a Weapon    [8] 转基因种子:被视为一种武器

[9] Spying on United Nations leaders by United States diplomats    [9] 美国外交官监视联合国领导人


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Copyright © Larry RomanoffMoon of ShanghaiBlue Moon of Shanghai, 2023