ctober 21, 2023
The World of Biological Warfare
Chapter 1 – Introduction and Caution
Chapter 3 – America’s Bio-Weapons Status
Chapter 4 – Genetically Modified Seeds (updated)
Chapter 5 -The Secret US-Japan Partnership
Chapter 6 – Israel and Bio-Weapons
Chapter 7 – US Bio-Weapons Institutions
Chapter 8 – The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Chapter 9 – US Foreign Bio-Weapons Facilities
Chapter 10 – Pathogens Researched and Released
The World of Biological Warfare
Chapter 9 – US Foreign Bio-Weapons Facilities
Georgian scientists processing bats captured at night for a $6.5 million Pentagon project in Western Asia (photo: Facebook, Kendra Phelps, Eco Health Alliance, October 2018). Source
It should be apparent that the launching of bio-warfare, as with conventional warfare, is considerably eased by locating military bases and offensive weapons and delivery systems as physically close as possible to one’s potential enemies. This is one reason the US has established its nearly 1,000 foreign military bases – to ensure the capability of putting an enemy under attack within 30 minutes anywhere in the world. Clearly, the same strategy applies to biological warfare, this capability enhanced by the fact that much of US military bio-weapons research, unethical and illegal as it is, remains undisclosed to both the US Congress and to local authorities despite its being exceedingly dangerous.
But more to the point, the US military has made no secret of its interest in developing biological weapons, and has been doing this for at least 60 or 70 years, with its research increasingly focusing on race-specific weapons. In all of this, we have the not-so-secret military biological laboratories in the US and elsewhere, and considerable evidence that the US has been the main employer of such weapons in the past. We also have the openly-stated intent to develop such pathogenic weapons as “politically-useful tools”. With all this, how foolish does the public have to be, to believe the US military is engaged in “fighting infectious disease” or “ensuring global health security”?
First, let us look at the US military bases worldwide, this graphic from an al-Jazeera map [1] which is a bit on the conservative side, stating 750 bases in 80 countries and troops in 159 countries. Most other estimates put the number of bases at a minimum of 800 and some informed estimates are over 1,000, many of which appear on no map. The picture is confusing because the US has various methods of disguising both military bases and biological laboratories, with some installations kept secret from even the US Congress, and thus subject to neither questions nor oversight.
This first graphic also lists the number of countries with the most US military bases, Japan and Germany leading the pack with 120 and 119 respectively. We might legitimately ask what the US is doing with 120 military bases in a country as small as Japan. You can see how Russia and Iran are heavily surrounded from the West and South, and China from the West, South and East. These bases are not “keeping peace” or “creating stability”, but are there to enable the US to launch massive airstrikes against these three nations from literally hundreds of bases simultaneously. China is surrounded by more than 250 US military bases within striking range, among them the largest military base in the world at Guam. Russia similarly has around 200 US bases within striking distance of Moscow and the industrial West of the country.
Here is a closer look at Western Europe and the heavy concentration in Japan and South Korea.
One fact that is necessary to absorb is that when the US signs a military base agreement with a foreign country, the area to be included in the base is considered US Sovereign territory and is effectively off-limits even for the local government. More than this, the American military and contractor staff at these installations have diplomatic immunity – which means they are exempt from all the laws of the country in which they reside. And the immunity is absolute. In many countries or regions, Okinawa being a prime example, US military staff commit rapes, murders, all manner of crimes, and the local government or police can do nothing but report the crime to the base commander. If a biological lab experiences an accidental or deliberate leak and poisons and kills hundreds of local citizens, the government can do nothing but file a protest with the US Embassy.
Also, anything Americans bring into a nation, including biological pathogens, is considered as diplomatic content and thus not subject to search or examination. In real life, the US military can bring anything into a country, uninspected and unchallenged. With the larger bases that have airfields, the US military, the CIA, and the contractors, can enter the country and land at these bases, altogether bypassing local customs and immigration. This is how the CIA distributes cocaine worldwide, for example. The same applies to the biological labs and their personnel: it is all done in secrecy, and with an absolute diplomatic immunity.
Biolabs – US Foreign installations
Estimates vary of the number of US military bio-weapons labs in foreign countries, but most informed estimates range between 350 and 400, scattered in (mostly poor and backward) countries around the world, including new ones in Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, several nations now demanding these labs be dismantled and removed to the US where they belong. In addition to these, the U.S. Navy operates seven overseas “medical research laboratories” (NAMRU). Six labs ostensibly conduct infectious disease research and are distributed over three continents: Africa (labs in Egypt and Kenya), Asia (labs in Indonesia and Thailand), and South America (labs in Brazil and Peru). One other lab is in Germany and conducts “psychosocial research”; use your imagination. [2] [3] [4]
Many of the US military’s secrets about clandestine foreign biological laboratories have been revealed by Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois at Champaign. As Boyle noted, “We now have an Offensive Biological Weapons industry in this country that violates the Biological Weapons Convention and my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989”. According to Boyle, “American universities have a long history of willingly permitting their research agenda …. to be co-opted, corrupted, and perverted by the Pentagon and the C.I.A. into death science”. He cites as an example the group of Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin, which managed to increase the toxicity of the flu virus by a factor of 200. According to Boyle, the Pentagon and the CIA are “ready, willing, and able to launch biowarfare when it suits their interests. They have a stockpile of that super-weapons-grade anthrax that they already used against us in October 2001”. [5]
The Americans try to deny the military nature of the studies conducted in such laboratories. However, the secrecy that surrounds them is comparable only to that of the most important and clandestine military facilities. There is no accountability to the local or global public about the “research” being performed at these installations and, as stated, even the US Congress has no knowledge of their existence or operations.
Moreover, despite all the claims about ridding the world of infectious diseases and other humanitarian purposes, no scientific “achievements” have been publicly demonstrated by American military biologists over the many years of the existence of such foreign secret laboratories, and the results of their research are not published anywhere in the public domain. They have been doing this for 40 years, with the only notable results so far being civilian injuries and deaths from events where pathogens have accidentally (or perhaps deliberately) escaped confinement. There are also many records of injuries and deaths from apparent experiments on the surrounding civilian populations, these foreign labs being as prone to leakage as is Fort Detrick itself.
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, the Bulgarian investigative journalist, made a very important point in one of her research articles, one that has received much less attention than it deserves. [6] First, for background, the US military has an astonishingly vast network of medical and biological laboratories in its own right, both domestic (more than 400) and international (again, around 400). Second, the work of all these research and experimentation labs invokes the cooperation of private-sector research labs in what appears to be many American universities, hospitals, Foundations, and other avenues, this in addition to the private-sector corporations, pharmaceutical companies, and NGOs, who remain largely unknown to the public. Third, the US government and military fill their websites and the popular media with comforting tales that the reason for the existence of this vast network is purely their devotion to vague humanitarian purposes.
Dilyana’s point was that, in more than 40 years of this immense effort both domestically and foreign, there is apparently nothing to show for all this effort and expense. Consider: if universities and other private-sector institutions and corporations were performing precisely the kinds of research claimed to be done by the US military, there would be public results. We would be treated to a constant flood of published academic papers detailing the efforts, the trials, the failures, the occasional successes, a rare discovery or breakthrough, these celebrated by the mass media. But in more than 40 years of intense effort, the US military has nothing. There are no records of discoveries, no reports of breakthroughs, no cures, nothing. There are no reports of scientific achievements that have been publicly demonstrated by American military biologists over these many years of the existence of such domestic and foreign secret laboratories. There are no useful or informative records of those decades of research published anywhere in the public domain. How can it be that the US military can operate around 800 biological laboratories and have cooperation with perhaps as many more private-sector participants, and yet have no results? As one example, in its military press website, the US Navy has an article titled, “NAMRU-6 Celebrates 40 Years of Medical Research” in Peru. [7] Yet, after 40 years of work with more than 300 staff, their only claim to success is that they managed to identify “the first cases of the Zika Virus in Iquitos, Peru”. That’s all?
The answer of course is that there have been many results indeed, but those results were not about eliminating infectious diseases and ensuring global health security that could be celebrated in public. They were instead busy developing weapons of war, and those successes and discoveries are not for public consumption.
In fact, there have been many published reports of the “trials, successes, discoveries, breakthroughs”, and these have been covered in the mass media but we don’t recognise these for what they are. And these “research results” are the civilian injuries and deaths through accidental or deliberate leakages of pathogens from these facilities, and the sometimes devastating – and usually fatal – experiments on the surrounding civilian populations.
“Meanwhile, these labs are actively collecting information on the gene pool of the populations of countries where they operate. All this indicates that the Pentagon is undoubtedly preparing to wage wars using biological weapons” and, as we will see, there is much indication the US has already done so. Those hundreds of billions of dollars have indeed produced results. Many of these will be discussed in the remaining Chapters of this series. [8]
The head of Russia’s military protection unit, Igor Kirillov, said Russia managed to collect more than 20 thousand documents on the US bioweapons programs at the captured Ukrainian military facilities, as well as having interviewed various eyewitnesses and participants. He said the materials document the US focus on creating bioweapons components and testing them on the populations of Ukraine and other states along the borders of the Russian Federation. [9] Russia, of course, has much reason for concern for this spider-web of secret biological laboratories, operating on its borders unchecked and without surveillance. [10] Dilyana reported that many of the activities of these labs were partly unveiled by hacker Raid Forums [11] [12] [13] which contained leaked e-mails between the Lugar Center, the Pentagon biolaboratory in Tbilisi, and the US Embassy to Georgia and the Georgian Ministry of Health. The website has since been shut down, the media doing their best to link it to Russia, and Wikipedia helpfully claiming (without evidence, as usual) they also engaged in pornography. But they were not Russian, and the information they leaked was often very politically-sensitive.
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has outsourced much of the work under the military biological warfare programs to private companies, which are not accountable to Congress, and thus can operate more freely and avoid all laws. It is clear they have the active support of the US State Department since US civilian personnel working at these labs have also been granted diplomatic immunity, though they do not qualify for this distinction. Hence, these private companies can perform biological warfare work for the US government under diplomatic cover and exempt from control by the host state. This practice is often used by the CIA to provide cover for its agents.
There are many of these private companies performing biological weapons research and related activities for the US military, the CIA, and various other government agencies, and do so in many countries that include Ukraine, Georgia, Uganda, Tanzania, Iraq, and Afghanistan, Germany, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Thailand, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Armenia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, South Africa and many more. These are firms like The Southern Research Institute, [14] [15] CH2M Hill, [16] [17] Battelle, [18] [19] Metabiota, [20] [21] [22] and Black & Veatch, [23] [24] US-based NGO Eco Health Alliance, [25] which was directly involved in military studies of diseases spread by bats, and apparently also used by the NIH to evade restrictions on COVID experiments. [26]
Many of these firms are especially secretive, Battelle being a typical example. It is extremely difficult to find information on these companies. With Battelle, the only Internet entries appear to be those written by the company itself. One statement: “… haven’t made Battelle a household name. The anonymity is partially the result of the nature of its work. Government agencies and corporations contract with Battelle to conduct sensitive and classified research. Plus, Battelle has historically had an aversion to advertising and self-promotion, which makes sense since its partners largely pay it to stay in the background. Some combination of those things has led us to be a quiet company,” said Battelle CEO Jeff Wadsworth.” [27] They also have questionable backgrounds and affiliations with Neocon NWO organisations.
Battelle is the largest private, non-profit research and development organization in the world, and one of the largest US government contractors, apparently with a specialty to develop vaccines and therapeutics for infectious diseases. It also builds armored vehicles and specialised tactical military equipment. The company began managing national laboratories for the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1965 and now has a role in managing eight DOE labs and one for the Department of Homeland Security. Battelle has operated a Top-Secret Bio laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland under a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract for the last decade, and has been awarded around $350 million under one federal contract and another later one, by DHS. [28]
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva noted that Metabiota has been awarded multiple federal contracts related to biological weapons labs in Ukraine and Georgia, and was also engaged in work with the DTRA during the EBOLA crisis in Sierra Leone. The company was doing unspecified military research at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis – where three US biolabs are situated – the company garnering much suspicion as to its role in the outbreaks. [29] Metabiota is listed as a favorite partner company with the World Economic Forum, the (already) infamous WEF.
But it isn’t only private corporations involved. We also have US health authorities such as the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), the US CDC, and many similar. UN organisations like the WHO are also deeply involved in these matters, as are so many of the major US universities and hospitals. The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations are near the center of this activity, as are many of the major pharmaceutical companies – some of whom began life as biological weapons researchers – firms like Merck, Pfizer, Moderna, Gilead, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, and many more. Charles Pfizer and George Merck cut their teeth on biological weapons research, beginning in the 1950s and 1960s. [30] [31] Here is a quarterly report from Pfizer dated 1964, titled “Research on New Chemical Incapacitating Agents by Chas. Pfizer and Co., Inc.” [32]
Even the famous Smithsonian Institution, apparently benign and innocent, was involved in a years-long and top-secret Pacific Ocean Bird Project for the US Army, in which millions of birds were caught, banded, and tracked to determine their potential use as vectors for biological pathogens. This was an 8-year contract with Fort Detrick. The study had projects within projects. One was Operation Starbrite, described in a 1964 Smithsonian report classified “Confidential” by the Army. This program consisted of monthly 15-day cruises aboard U.S. Navy vessels operating out of Pearl Harbor. Cruising a 50,000-square-mile grid of ocean and atolls, the Smithsonian personnel were to record “all visible animal life.” From sunrise to sunset, they were to note the activity of birds, the species and numbers, and their every movement. [32a]
Then we have entities like the JASON Group, which Wikipedia tells us is “an independent group of elite scientists which advises the United States government on matters of science and technology, mostly of a sensitive nature”. [33] That would certainly be true. This is a “cold war” group, if ever there was one. [34] Several years after “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” was published, the U.S. Air Force published a document entitled “Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens,” which contains the following passage: “Their study generated six broad classes of genetically engineered pathogens that could pose serious threats to society. These include but are not limited to binary biological weapons, designer genes, gene therapy as a weapon, stealth viruses, host-swapping diseases, and designer diseases.” [35]
We also have US agencies providing staff, financing, and other support to these endeavors; agencies like the US Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health, the Department of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, the US Department of Energy. [36] And in many cases, these “research” efforts involve apparently disparate US groups like USAID, the NED, and of course the ubiquitous CIA. Moreover, all these efforts are intertwined in these foreign countries with the ever-present assistance of the local US Embassies and Consulates, as well as the (again, seemingly ubiquitous) US-based NGOs. The more one researches this topic, the more it appears like a spider-web with almost everything connected to almost everything else.
Partial List of US Foreign Biological Weapons Installations
Below is a list of a few of the many US military biological warfare labs in various countries. I would note here that many of these locations have suffered epidemics from minor to major, almost certainly due to leaks from these same labs. Information on these does appear in the local media but is heavily censored in “the free world”, and almost no one in the West has any knowledge of them. I have listed these leakage events in a further Chapter in this series since they deserve a listing of their own.
“Armenia’s Institute of Microbiology was the largest in the union. After the country’s collapse, the US and UK took charge of this, and opened several new biolabs across the country. As with Kazakhstan and other nations, funds were provided by the US Department of Defense, with labs built from the ground up in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Martuni, and Ijevan, ostensibly to study local strains of viruses. The centers were formally subordinated to Armenia’s ministry of health, but it was the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency that was in charge, and US nationals were employed there.”
Egypt – NAMRU-3
The US Naval Medical Research Unit 3 (NAMRU-3), [37] [38] [39] was an American biological warfare installation based in Cairo, Egypt. It was initially credited with deciphering the genetic code of MERS, but there was much suspicion that the virus instead originated there. The official claim that the virus originated in Jordan was also considered suspect by many. In fact, according to the American Forces Press Service, MERS research was supervised by the US military at Fort Detrick and at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in the US. The official version is that this installation was to operate “Bacteriology and Parasitic Disease Research Programs” and to perform “infectious disease research”. [40] [41] The facility was subsequently moved to Sigonella, Italy. [42] (See Italy)
Ethiopia – NAMRU-5
CAPT Craig K. Wallace, MC, USNR, Commanding Officer of NAMRU-5 attaches new door plaque identifying his command, July 1974. CAPT Wallace would serve four years in Ethiopia, first as OIC of the NAMRU-3 Detachment Addis Ababa (1972-1974) and then as CO of NAMRU-5 (1974-1976). Courtesy of BUMED.
US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 5 was constructed as part of the US military’s Addis Ababa Detachment in Ethiopia. It has since been closed due to the unspecified “political situation“. [43] [44] [45]
This is an edited summary from the translation of the Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva: Internal documents disclosed by Georgians show that the American Embassy to Tbilisi transports frozen human blood and pathogens for deadly diseases and biting insects under a secret military program, and does so under cover of “diplomatic immunity” with the pathogens in a “diplomatic bag”. The biological laboratory at Lugar Center is centered in a residential area and heavily guarded. All areas within 100 meters are under 24-hour camera surveillance. When she approached the site, her passport was demanded and she was threatened with arrest for being near the lab. Her requests for access and interviews were rejected. From a great distance, the air is laden with the smell of chemicals. Residents claim that dangerous chemicals are secretly burned at night and that hazardous waste from the lab is emptied into the nearby river. The neighbors told of a tragic incident involving four Filipinos working at the Lugar Center in which two of them died immediately. When the ambulance came the second time, the foreigners were foaming at the mouth, screaming for help, and they died before the ambulance could take them away. It was all covered up by the US lab and the government. At first, they said the foreigners suffered food poisoning from fish, then that they died from a gas leak in their apartment. [46]
The Lugar Center is a $161 million Pentagon-funded biolaboratory in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi (photo: Dilyana Gaytandzhieva) Source
Gilead, the US-based pharmaceutical firm, was conducting an experimental Hepatitis C elimination project in cooperation with the US CDC at the Lugar Center in Georgia. According to Arms Watch and leaked documents from Georgia’s Ministry of Health, at least 249 patients enrolled in this project have died. [47] [48] However, according to the agreement, “Gilead shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or indirect damage in connection with this memorandum of understanding whether foreseeable or not, and whether arising in contract, tort or negligence”. The agreement also includes a clause of confidentiality meaning that all data related to the project shall be considered confidential and cannot be disclosed to the public.
Confidential reports reveal that at least 249 patients in a Gilead-sponsored program have died in Georgia.
The Pentagon apparently has plans to turn Georgia into its largest overseas military biological warfare facility outside the US, combining its military resources with the resources of the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In addition, Georgia will become a regional CDC hub for Eastern Europe and Central Asia for the US CDC. [49] From the leaked documents, US military scientists have been deployed to Georgia for research on bioterrorism agents at the Lugar Center, [which] have the potential to be aerosolized and used as bioweapons. Among them anthrax, tularemia, Brucella, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, Hantavirus. The project includes orthopoxviruses, the Bubonic Plague, anthrax, Brucellosis, tularemia, Hantavirus, and hemorrhagic fever. A significant portion of this related to bat virus research, and was implemented by the US-based Eco Health Alliance. Despite disclaimers, the US military is in control of this hydra, not only funding the research projects but paying the operating expenses, and having contracted US-based Technology Management Company for various “support services”. Dilyana’s articles contain photos of the vehicles of lab workers at Lugar all displaying diplomatic vehicle license plates.
According to one government solicitation, “U.S. Army Medical Research Unit-Georgia (USAMRU-G) under the command and control of WRAIR, and in partnership with the Georgian Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Labor, Health, and Social Affairs; and Ministry of Agriculture, requires support services for technical clinical research services and operational (management and ancillary) support services. USAMRU-G will provide subject matter expertise in a broad range of pathogen research methods and technologies, medical product development, grants writing training, and research marketing. USAMRU-G’s bioresearch program includes working on strain characterization of pathogens in this region, antimicrobial resistance, bacteriophage, leishmaniasis, and exploring other emerging and re-emerging diseases posing a potential risk to the Force in the Caucasus region (i.e. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), anthrax, brucellosis, tularemia, etc.). Other syndromes of interest are acute febrile illness/fevers of unknown origin, acute respiratory infection, sexually transmitted infections and military prevalence, global traveler’s diarrhea, and central nervous system infection surveillance. [50]
Russia is of course greatly concerned with the extent of US political control of Georgia and this vast bio-weapons project. According to the Pentagon, “The mission of the Lugar Center is to contribute the protection of citizens from biological threats, promote public and animal health through infectious disease detection, epidemiological surveillance, and research for the benefit of Georgia, the Caucasus region, and the global community.” Russia said the documents published signaled more sinister activities were happening under the cover of civilian research. [51] Much of this is under the guidance or management of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR). [52] [53] [54] Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned that Moscow was fully appraised of US efforts to expand military research at the Lugar Lab, and said such efforts were part of a major expansion of dual purpose biological research at labs across the former USSR under the pretext of fighting bioterrorism. [55]
Indonesia – The Roots of NAMRU-2
NAMRU-2 was a major US Navy biological warfare laboratory opened in Jakarta. [56] [57] [58] [59] Just like NAMRU’s closure, its birth was also marked by an upsurge of a disease. NAMRU-2 was opened in Indonesia amid a flurry of local objections and much suspicion that diseases had been deliberately spread in the country as a rue to justify the construction and opening of this biological lab. In 1968, rodent plague, which was typical for Central Java’s Boyolali Regency, “jumped” from infected rats and flees to humans, sparking an outbreak. Indonesia didn’t have sufficient resources to counter the threat and requested international help. “If you ask me if this outbreak looked unnatural, I’d say yes,” says another former Indonesian official who is familiar with NAMRU-2’s functioning. In 1970, the US and Indonesia signed an agreement on establishing a detachment of NAMRU-2 in Jakarta staffed by the US NAVY’s personnel with diplomatic immunity, with the plague becoming the primary target – a goal which wasn’t mentioned in the agreement. Indonesia had an obligation to provide NAMRU-2 with lab space for at least ten years and gained a right to terminate the deal after January 16, 1980. [60] Through NAMRU-2 the Americans gained access to “disease agents of interest” from endemic territories for rabies, malaria, H5N1 and other dangerous pathogens across Indonesia.
In the late 2000s, NAMRU-2 was tasked by the WHO to gather, analyze and send avian flu samples collected across the country, but the Indonesian Health Ministry became dissatisfied with the nature of the activities of the US laboratory and suspended its activities. Former Indonesian officials familiar with NAMRU-2 have [said] on conditions of anonymity that the Jakarta-based lab, which the Americans … saw as a strategic asset, was involved in questionable research practices and breached Indonesia’s national security. In the aftermath, Indonesian researchers obtained many documents containing illegal actions by the NAMRU staff. Indonesia considered Namru-2’s presence to be a violation of Indonesia’s sovereignty, and finally decided that “it was inadvisable for the US military biolaboratory NAMRU-2 to be located on its territory”. [61] [62]
[the Americans] built a branch lab in Papua, and they were doing many bad things … In the 1990s, the status of detachment was upgraded into a command without any amendment of the Memorandum of Understanding. The Indonesian government was concerned about violations of international treaties regarding bacteriological and toxin weapons by the US. “They wanted to occupy. This is the only reason. They built this facility under the Navy. Why the Navy and not the Ministry of Health? My answer is because they wanted to build a sort of military base.” [63] Another factor is that US research activities in the country didn’t stop after NAMRU’s closure. “When they closed NAMRU here, Americans tried to open NAMRU in Cambodia, [64] in Vietnam and in other countries. And I’ve heard from somebody in the United States that similar labs were built in the former USSR – in Georgia and Ukraine.
Since 1942, NAMRU-3 was operated on the outskirts of Cairo in Egypt. Then suddenly the US Navy packed up their entire biological weapons lad and move it to their Sigonella compound in Italy. [65] The main center of the NAMRU installations is Medical Research Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, with the other NAMRUs being its operational centers. All NAMRU activities report to the US CDC, and are operated in a hub-and-spoke basis with, for example, the new NAMRU in Sicily having jurisdiction over those in Egypt, Ghana, and Djibouti. Other major centers are in Singapore and Peru. It seems the basic reason for the move was a felt necessity to have the installation nearer the geographically-central Hub of the Mediterranean that contains the Central Command (Centcom), the European Command (Eucom) and the African Command (Africom). As previously noted, this facility was central in the bat research and coronavirus transmission to humans, conducted by the US military. It was also central in the MERS events.
There are other concerns about US military installations and biological labs in Italy. As I noted in an earlier article on COVID, [66] if we look at the two maps of Italy displaying the US military bases and the areas of the country with the heaviest coronavirus outbreaks, they match very well indeed, as you can see from the graphic below. South Korea was similar. I do not have sufficient information on the locations of virus outbreaks and US military bases for other countries, but I have a strong suspicion they would also coincide nicely. As I related elsewhere, the COVID infections in Italy were suspect at best, with multiple outbreaks in many areas, no idea of source, and no hope of identifying a patient zero.
US biological laboratories in Japan are inextricably linked to the American absorption of Shiro Ishii’s Unit 731 and all the research resulting from that event. I have covered that in an earlier article in this series. [67] There is much more of concern. It doesn’t appear to be widely-known, but Japan has never ceased being a US occupied colony, and there is a great deal of American military and medical activity in Japan that very deliberately avoids public exposure. One such event is a recent partnership established between various Japanese universities and BioLabs Global, who bill themselves as “the premier global operator of co-working laboratory facilities for high potential life science start-ups“, [68] the company telling us “This collaboration ceremony also celebrates BioLabs’ first step to provide co-working laboratory space in Asia.” That isn’t comforting, especially when we note that Rothschild’s Sanofi announced a new “strategic partnership” with this same firm. [69] If you recall, it was Sanofi that produced the anti-fertility vaccine the WHO used to sterilise around 150 million women around the globe. [70] There cannot be anything in this that bodes well for the world.
The WHO reported a high percentage of mortality from infectious diseases in children, and “many of these diseases may be subject to transmission across borders and could possibly invade Japan.” In an apparent recognition of this condition, Japan began a “Program of Founding Research Centers for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Disease”, which involved 8 Japanese universities and 2 research centers, “in partnership with overseas instructors”. [71] This program included a planned development of a network of domestic and overseas research centers, as part of the Global Research Network on Infectious Diseases, all of which has an American biowarfare label on it although the public material is careful to avoid any mention of the US.
“Ukraine isn’t the only nation where the US has established biological laboratories, with even nations with close ties to Moscow subject to US overtures. Russia has long expressed concerns about the biological safety situation in countries including Kazakhstan, Armenia and Tajikistan, all three of them allies in the CSTO. [72] [73] In Kazakhstan, with their new $108 Million Laboratory, rumors about the safety of biolabs operating under US patronage have long plagued both local residents and authorities. For years, media in Kazakhstan have alleged that outbreaks of infectious diseases in recent years have been connected to the work of the Almaty Central Reference Laboratory, the huge biolab built with $108 million in US cash in 2016, and which specializes in the study of strains of viruses characteristic to the Central Asian Nation.”
“The U.S.-funded research projects centered on studies involving select agents including zoonoses: anthrax, plague, tularemia, highly pathogenic avian influenza, brucellosis, etc. These projects funded researchers in Kazakhstan, while project collaborators in the U.S. and UK mentored and guided these researchers to develop and test their hypotheses.” [74] Kazakhstan is desirable because it apparently “provides unique access to ethnic Russian and Chinese groups as “specimens” for conducting field research involving highly pathogenic, potential biological warfare agents”. This is largely because Kazakhstan has 13,364 km of borders with its neighboring countries Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, providing obvious access to many ethnic groups.
The official story is that the country’s biological facilities are fully-funded by the government itself, that they are owned exclusively by the Kazakh government, but the entire project is funded through a system of US grants funneled through various sources and that any “research” carried out is in the interests of the US military. “Washington is eager to preserve the countries of Central Asia as a testing ground for its military biological research. Hence the US efforts to develop similar projects in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. At the same time, Washington has an increased interest in Tashkent and Alma-Ata, as these two countries have better developed infrastructure and more qualified personnel compared to other Central Asian states. The increased US interest in Uzbekistan is also due to the fact that the country is not a member of the CSTO, which gives Washington more freedom of action.” [75]
South Korea
Osan, one of 15 US military bases in South Korea. Source
In terms of US military activity, US biological warfare research, and a very curious enterprise involving some kind of nefarious partnership between the US military and the WHO, South Korea is a very strange duck indeed. First, theis home to the JUPITR ATD military biological program that is closely related to the labs at Fort Detrick, and which has been involved in several curious occurrences with both COVID and MERS. Then we have the WHO’s secretive International Vaccine Institute in Seoul, whose chief scientist and Executive Director is Colonel Jerome Kim, who is the former head of the Molecular Virology and Pathogenesis Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Rockville, Maryland. And included in this is Dr. Claudio Lanata, who is the “science director” of the US Navy’s NAMRU-6 in Peru, which is renowned as a biowarfare development center.
This above bit of intelligence comes from the research of Yoichi Shimatsu. [76] As he pointed out, “it should be shocking that the U.S. military controls the WHO’s main virus laboratory“. And there is much more to arouse intense curiosity, if not outright suspicion, with the WHO apparently announcing Korea’s interest in being the world leader in fabricating mRNA vaccines: There is much here that doesn’t add up. [77] [78] [79] [80]
Korea and COVID
South Korea had a few dozen COVID infections, all of which were traceable in terms of source. But then an explosion, during which hundreds of soldiers were suddenly quarantined on the Osan airbase, this explosion of infections spreading almost exponentially to the public, all in the vicinity of the Osan airbase. No source was ever credibly identified for this outbreak. [81] Almost 200 North Korean soldiers reportedly died from the coronavirus, while thousands more were in quarantine. The government never acknowledged these facts, though they were reported elsewhere. [82]
Korea and MERS
Korea is particularly notable in this regard because it appears likely, and perhaps probable, that MERS resulted from a leak at the American military base at Osan. [83] The official Western narrative for the MERS outbreak in South Korea was that a Korean businessman became infected in the Middle East then returned to his home in Gyeonggi Province and spread the infection. But there was never any documentation or evidence to support that claim, and to my best knowledge it was never verified by the South Korean Government. Pertinent to this story is that according to the Korean Yonhap News Service, at the onset of the outbreak about 100 South Korean military personnel were suddenly quarantined at the USAF Osan Air Base.
To make matters worse, the US CDC is developing a “strategic infrastructure” to “keep the US safe from intentional and naturally occurring public health threats“. This might not be bad, but the CDC is developing this infrastructure in cooperation with the FBI, the Association of Public Health Laboratories, and the Laboratory Response Network, also obviously in cooperation with branches of the US military. [84] The FBI is America’s political police; what are they doing in a project with the CDC and biological weapons installations?
“The United States has previously tried to build a closed biolab in Kyrgyzstan by involving Canada in this process. To this end, in 2008, the Governments of Kyrgyzstan and Canada even signed a corresponding agreement, on which basis it was planned to build a biosafety class III biolab in Bishkek on the territory of the Botanical Garden surrounded by densely populated neighborhoods. $60 million was allocated for these purposes. “So far, Kyrgyzstan is the only country in Central Asia and the post-Soviet space where the Pentagon has not yet deployed a single secret biolab. Therefore, Washington’s interest in this country in this regard is not surprising. And so is the special interest of American military strategists (especially given Bishkek’s close multifaceted friendly ties with Russia and China), counting on the possibility of Kyrgyzstan’s involvement in the Pentagon’s military plans in Central Asia, including Afghanistan and Iran. That is why the United States is trying to place here its secret biolabs dealing with particularly dangerous pathogens, so as to have the opportunity to spread any particular virus to Russia, China and other territories.“ [85] The effort appears to be failing. [86]
Peru – NAMRU-6
The US Navy has operated NAMRU-6 in Peru for more than 40 years, recently celebrating this anniversary, [87] but so far the only “success” of this lab that has reached the public is that it managed to identify “the first cases of ZIKA” in Peru. It is possible this hub of lab networks had been engaged in other activities not intended for public consumption. [88] [89] [90] [91]
In the 2010s, the US and other Western countries allocated funding to another Russian ally in Central Asia – Tajikistan, with Foundation Merieux, a French charitable foundation whose formal mission includes the strengthening of local health capabilities and reducing the impact of infectious diseases, establishing the Gastroenterological Institute in Dushanbe in 2013 with UN and USAID assistance. In 2019, another lab – the Republican Center for the Fight Against Tuberculosis, was opened in Tajikistan, this time sponsored directly by USAID and the Pentagon. As elsewhere, the lab allows both local biologists and their foreign counterparts to study local diseases, including tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, and cholera. That same year, another US-funded laboratory was opened in Isfara in Tajikistan north. Little information has been made available regarding its work, except that it is also funded by the US.
The US-backed 46 Biolabs in Ukrainian Territory. Source
The British conservative publication THE EXPOSÉ published an article entitled “Is there more to the Ukraine/Russia conflict than meets the eye?” It recognizes that Russia should have conducted the current military operation on the basis of its security interests and confirms that there has long been a very serious threat to the lives and health of the Russian Federation population from the territory of Ukraine. It refers to at least 16 US military biological laboratories located in Odessa, Vinnitsa, Uzhgorod, Lviv (three), Kharkiv, Kiev (also three), Kherson, Ternopil, Dnepropetrovsk, as well as near Luhansk and the border with Crimea. Such “cooperation” between the Pentagon and the Ukrainian Ministry of Health dates back to 2005. Opposition parties managed to push through the Verkhovna Rada in 2013 to end this “cooperation”, but the US-led coup d’état in Kiev in February 2014 prevented the implementation of this decision. [92] After Russia initiated the special operation to denazify Ukraine, the Pentagon sought to move unfinished programs in Ukraine to other countries in the post-Soviet region as quickly as possible. [93] Dilyana Gaytandzhieva wrote an excellent and detailed report on US bio-warfare labs in Ukraine. [94] Her report is much worth reading.
According to documents made public by the Russian military, the bio labs were engaged in various research projects, such as the possible proliferation of typhus and hepatitis in the region, and the possible use of wild migratory birds for the transmission of a highly pathogenic form of avian influenza. [95] The Russian Federation has provided hundreds of documents purporting to show the US engaged in covert biological weapons research and development in Ukraine. Among their documents is evidence that the US tested covert bioweapons research on mentally ill Ukrainian patients. [96] Moscow raised concerns over a network of secretive US-funded laboratories in Ukraine in the early weeks of the conflict, and has frequently made public evidence about the program ever since. The US government confirmed the existence of the labs last March, but insisted they were neither illegal nor intended for a military purpose, despite the fact that much of their funding went through the Pentagon. [97]
Typhoid Rivers and Experiments on Human Beings
Russia presented a chart explaining the coordination of work at the biological laboratories and research institutes in Ukraine by the United States. One of its components was the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) – an institution which appears, at first glance, to be a privately-owned organization that has nothing to do with the Pentagon. In fact, the Russian military revealed, this institution has been directly involved in the creation of biological weaponry. Formally, the STCU is an international intergovernmental organization created, in its own words, to “address the global security threat of the proliferation of WMD-applicable chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear knowledge and materials.” Its real purpose, the MoD says, includes the distribution of grants for the development of biological weapons agents.
The STCU has offices in Baku, Azerbaijan, Chisinau, Moldova, Tbilisi, Georgia, and Kharkov and Lvov in Ukraine, and is headquartered in Kiev.
Scientists’ work included the collection of water samples from Ukraine’s major rivers – the Dnieper, the Danube, the Dniester, as well as the North Crimean Canal, in a search for causative agents of cholera, typhoid fever, and hepatitis A and E. Studying documents, the Russian military discovered that US and European researchers were actually seeking to spread these diseases by water, not just to Russia, but Belarus, Moldova and Poland, and to poison the entire marine ecosystems of the Black and Azov Seas. Furthermore, the STCU was shown to be involved in experiments on human beings. Recovered documents showed that during the period between 2019 and 2021, scientists searched for test subjects from wards at Clinical Psychiatric Hospital #3 in the city of Merefa in Kharkov region. “People with mental disorders were selected for experiments on the basis of age, ethnic group, and immune status. Special forms documented round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of patients at all times. The information was not entered into the hospital’s database, staff of the medical institution signed a non-disclosure agreement,” Kirillov said. [98]
There is a very long list of articles containing various details, activities, and conclusions, about the US military’s biological warfare research and experiments in Ukraine, too many to deal with in a short space. Much has been published in the alternative media on this subject and, since there are no new revelations, we needn’t spend an inordinate time on Ukraine. Instead, I will provide here a brief list of some of the more notable articles with their headlines, and let the reader pursue those of interest. One notable event was that the US Embassy in Kiev suddenly deleted all the pages on their website dealing with biological labs and the military. [99]
Partial Listing of Reports on Ukrainian Biolabs
Reports: U.S. Funded Ukrainian Biolabs Working With Dangerous Pathogens
US media continues coverup of State Department admission of biological weapons labs in Ukraine
US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine – Russian MOD
Biosecurity warning over loosely-regulated virus labs
US resumes biolabs program in Ukraine – Russian MOD
US Military Bio-labs in Ukraine, Production of Bio-weapons and “Disease Causing Agents”
One unusual aspect of this matter of US biological warfare involvement in Ukraine, was the enormous flurry of disclaimers, “fact-checkers” and every manner of authority claiming that no such thing existed and it was all a Russian conspiracy. According to the disinformation website Politifact, “There are no U.S.-run biological weapons labs operating in Ukraine. The U.S. Defense Department and the Ukraine Ministry of Health have had a partnership since 2005 to improve public health laboratories and prevent the threat of outbreaks of infectious diseases.” [100] The New York Times tells us “Theory About U.S.-Funded Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine Is Unfounded”. [101] Reuters tells us “U.S. dismisses Russian claims of biowarfare labs in Ukraine” [102] The US military gives us “fact sheet” on their “threat reduction efforts“. [103]
In addition, Yahoo, [104] The UK Telegraph, [105] The EU Statesman, [106] the BBC, [107] and the UK Guardian, [ 108] have all apparently in good conscience “fact-checked” the allegations and found them all false. The Statesman did the same, this one by Samantha Putterman from PolitiFact.com, [109] and the AFP fact-check informed us that “Unproven claims of US-funded Ukraine bioweapons labs spread online”. [110]
Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).
His full archive can be seen at
https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/ + https://www.moonofshanghai.com/
He can be contacted at: 2186604556@qq.com
[1] Infographic: US military presence around the world
[2] U.S. military overseas medical research laboratories
[3] U.S. operates over 200 military biological laboratories worldwide
[4] The U.S. is the World Leader of Bio-Weapons Research, Production, and Use Against Mankind
[5] Russia Prevents Washington from Unleashing Biological Warfare
[6] Metabiota worked on a Pentagon’s project at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis, where three US biolabs are situated.
[7] NAMRU-6 Celebrates 40 Years of Medical Research
[8] Russia Prevents Washington from Unleashing Biological Warfare
[9] The attempt of the US to build a secret biolab in Kyrgyzstan is failing
[10] An Answer to US Biolabs and American Secret Military Programs
[11] Raidforums : les administrateurs du principal forum pour pirates ont été interpellés
[12] Life and death of RaidForums, the largest illegal personal data superstore
[13] FBI and international partners seize control of popular hacking forum
[14] Southern Research
[15] Southern Research Institute
[16] CH2M Hill
[17] Jacobs snaps up top British engineer CH2M
[18] Battelle
[19] Battelle manages national laboratories
[20] Metabiota worked on a US military project at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis, where three US biolabs are situated.
[21] Metabiota
[22] Metabiota
[23] Black & Veatch
[24] Black & Veatch-Designed Projects
[25] EcoHealth Alliance
[27] A peek inside Battelle: The quiet R&D giant behind copy machines, compact discs and barcodes
[28] Battelle
[29] Metabiota worked on a Pentagon’s project at the epicenter of the Ebola crisis, where three US biolabs are situated.
[30] Pfizer, Moderna involved in US military-biological activities in Ukraine — top brass
[31] Pfizer and Chemical Weapons
[32] Pfizer quarterly report
[32a] SCIENCE – The Washington Post – birds as vectors for biological warfare
[33] JASON (advisory group)
[34] Jason—a secretive group of Cold War science advisers
[35] Pentagon denies Russia’s claim that the US is running a secret biological weapons lab near border of China and Georgia
[36] Plague and Typhus: What Have American Scientists Been Up to in Ukraine’s Biolabs?
[37] The United States Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 (NAMRU-3), Cairo, Egypt,
[38] US Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 (Cairo, Egypt)
[39] U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3; History of NAMRU-3 — 1942 to Present
[40] NAMRU-3’s Bacteriology and Parasitic Disease Research Program
[41] NAMRU-3: forty-six years of infectious disease research
[42] NAMRU-3 Moves to Sigonella, Italy
[43] Medical Research Unit Five
[44] Naval Medical Research Unit Five
[45] Naval Medical Research Unit Five
[46] US diplomats involved in trafficking of human blood and pathogens for a program secret military
[47] Gilead has paid $178 million to doctors to promote drugs despite patient deaths
[48] Georgia cover-up of deaths in $3.3 billion pharmaceutical project: documents
[49] New data leak from the Pentagon biolaboratory in Georgia
[50] Bioresearch Scientific Support in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia
[51] Lugar bioweapons lab
[53] U.S. diplomats involved in trafficking in human blood and pathogens for secret military program
[54] Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass – DPR Army and Intelligence
[55] Biolabs Ringing Russia’s Borders: What’s the US Really Doing at These Facilities?
[56] Naval Medical Research Unit Indo Pacific
[57] GEIS at Naval Medical Research Unit 2, Indonesia
[58] The US Naval Medical Research Unit Two (NAMRU2)
[59] Indonesia-US NAMRU-2 (Naval Medical Research Unit Two)
[60] NAMRU-2: Behind Pentagon-Affiliated Biolabs in Ukraine & Indonesia?
[61] Many countries concerned about US military biological activity — Russia’s Defense Ministry
[62] The Mysterious Trail of American Military Research in Indonesia
[63] Is ‘Desire to Conquer’ Behind Pentagon-Affiliated Biolabs in Ukraine & Indonesia?
[64] The U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit-2 Detachment Phnom Penh
[65] The laboratory, the U.s. military moved to Sigonella had discovered the coronavirus 2012
[66] A COVID-19 Theory I Cannot Prove
[67] The World of Biological Warfare – Chapter 5 -The Secret US-Japan Partnership
[68] BioLabs Global, KIIP, and iCONM Celebrate their New Collaboration in Kawasaki, Japan
[69] Sanofi and BioLabs Global today announced a new strategic partnership in France
[70] A Cautionary Tale About the WHO — UPDATE
[71] International collaborative research on infectious diseases by Japanese universities and institutes in Asia and Africa, with a special emphasis on J-GRID
[72] U.S. military labs secretly develop biological weapons in Kazakhstan: report
[73] Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
[74] Kazakhstan becomes toxic graveyard for US diplomacy
[75] The United States and Britain continue secret biological research in Central Asia.
[76] South Korea MERS Emerged Out Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Labs
[77] WHO announces 2nd hub for training countries to make COVID vaccines
[78] South Korea’s Ambition to Become a Global Vaccine Hub
[79] South Korea in talks with mRNA vaccine makers to produce up to 1 billion doses
[80] EXCLUSIVE S.Korea in talks with mRNA vaccine makers to make up to 1 bln doses -govt official
[81] COVID-19: Targeting Italy and South Korea? “The Chain of Transmission of Infection”
[82] Almost 200 North Korean soldiers have reportedly died from the coronavirus
[83] South Korea MERS Emerged Out Of The Pentagon’s Biowarfare Labs
[84] Enhancing Laboratory Response Network Capacity in South Korea
[85] The attempt of the US to build a secret biolab in Kyrgyzstan is failing
[86] Kyrgyzstan refuses to host Russian-built ‘biosafety’ lab as Ukraine tensions soar
[87] NAMRU-6 Celebrates 40 Years of Medical Research
[88] NAMRU-6 (Naval Medical Research Unit-6)
[89] NAMRU-6 Peru? Where the Bugs and Bacteria Roam
[90] NAMRU-6: Staying Ahead of Emerging Infections
[92] Russia Prevents Washington from Unleashing Biological Warfare
[93] The United States and Britain continue secret biological research in Central Asia.
[94] The Pentagon Bio-weapons
[95] Russia Exposes New Members of Military Bio Programs in Ukraine
[96] US Building BioWeapons in Ukraine for World War III – Vital/Must Read
[97] US Building BioWeapons in Ukraine for World War III – Vital/Must Read
[98] Plague and Typhus: What Have American Scientists Been Up to in Ukraine’s Biolabs?
[99] Why Did the US Embassy Official Website Just Remove All Evidence of Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs?
[100] Russia is targeting U.S. biological weapons labs in Ukraine invasion.
[101] Theory About U.S.-Funded Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine Is Unfounded
[102] U.S. dismisses Russian claims of biowarfare labs in Ukraine
[103] Fact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries
[104] Fact-check: Are there 46 U.S. military-funded biolabs in Ukraine?
[105] Fact-checking Russian claims of US labs making lethal biological weapons in Ukraine
[106] Fact-check: Are there 46 U.S. military-funded biolabs in Ukraine?
[107] war: Fact-checking Russia’s biological weapons claims
[108] What are Russia’s biological weapons claims and what’s actually happening?
[109] Fact-check: Are there 46 U.S. military-funded biolabs in Ukraine?
[110] Unproven claims of US-funded Ukraine bioweapons labs spread online
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Copyright © Larry Romanoff, Blue Moon of Shanghai, Moon of Shanghai, 2023